Click here to read YEC SWP-106.
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that is cooled to -160°C (–260°F) to form a cryogenic liquid.
LNG is comprised of 4 main components:
- Methane; 83% - 99%
- Ethane; 1% -13%
- Propane; 0.1% - 3%
- Butane; 0.2% - 1%
LNG occupies 1/600th it’s volume in a liquid state.
LNG has an expansion rate of 600:1 (liquid to vapour).
LNG is odourless, colourless, non-corrosive, and non-toxic.
LNG is lighter than air.
LNG is not flammable in the liquid state.
LNG release results in evaporation and formation of a visible vapour cloud.
Ignition temperature is approx. 537°C (1000°F).
Flame temperature is approx. 1370°C (2500°F).
LNG vapour is non-toxic; but is an asphyxiate.
As LNG vapour concentrations rise, the LFL (5%) will be reached long before the dangers of O2 deprivation are present.
LNG vapour is flammable when mixed with air. The flammable range is 5%; lower flammable limit (LFL) to 15%; upper flammable limit (UFL). |