Whitehorse Rapids 35+ Soccer

The Whitehorse Rapids Men’s Over-35 Soccer Club has been active since 1999.

Sometimes places open up mid-season. If you have missed the deadline or all places were filled up when you tried to register, please reach out via email to rapids.contact@gmail.com or via our Facebook page (below) to let us know you’re interested in connecting with us.

Find us on Facebook

Signup for our e-mail list here

Executive: Andy Todd (Chair), Dale Cheeseman (Treasurer), Chris Donohoe (Chief Referee), Danny Macdonald

Upcoming Matches



Feb 22nd. Final league position determines seeding for playoffs.
8:00am 4v5
9:00am 3v6
10:00am 2v7
11:00am 1v8

Games have to start on time because penalties will be used to separate a tie. 3 pens each, then sudden death.

29th March: winner and losers from 22nd Feb games will be playing at these times.

8:00am Loser 9:00am game vs Loser 11:00am game

9:00am Loser 8:00am game vs Loser 10:00am game.

10:00am Winner 8:00am game vs winner 10:00am game.

11:00am Winner 9:00am game vs winner 11:00am game

Finals TBD